Thursday, July 15, 2010

Excuses are Getting Old

I haven't been biking in a while.

Too much going on.

I haven't been home enough to go!

And it was/is too hot!!

Clearly, I have too many excuses and it's getting old. I leave on Saturday for Christian Athletic Camp and hopefully that will get me back on track for when I get home. I only have 79 more days until the White Pine Trail Tour. Yikes! When I get back I have 70 days to get moving on this. Maybe while I'm gone, Mattie will give my bike a tune up...


1 comment:

  1. Have fun @ camp! Too bad you're leaving Saturday, I thought about proposing a ride up to Rockford to check out the sidewalk sales...we could back a few bags in with Paige in the trailer! Maybe Friday?
